Saturday, July 08, 2006

Rodney Howard-Brown and the laughing...

Here is a video of Rodney Howard-Brown from CNN showing his laughing "revival" antics. One wonders when the Lord will come and remove the reproach incurred by this heretic, by either removing him or bringing him to repentance. Oh, by the way, like a significant number of Word-faith comedians, he mentioned in the video that the reason why someone, in this case his 18-year old daughter Kelly, died (of cystic fibrosis in 2002) is that Satan killed her, so he's taking revenge by making people laugh so that they will be "touched and set free". Guess the devil is laughing at this self-styled servant of God deceiving more and more people into hell.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. To "return to righteousness",

    please refrian from posting on a non-related issue. As from now, I am setting up a new rule which is that all non-related comments in a post will be immediately deleted. Just curious, are you a Mormon, cause they certainly would try to deconstruct Scripture? I would debunk your arguments in due time, at least until after I finish the series on Sola Scriptura. In the meantime, I think I would delete this comment. You are certainly welcome to email me with your concerns, btw.
