Friday, July 21, 2006

Excerpt: To Love Christ is to Love Doctrinal Truth

Here is an article containing a very fine video clip which you may want to check out. A good excerpt:

There are many modern professing Christians who would be very quick to declare their love for Christ and his Word, yet would also be just as quick to reject any fervent defense of doctrinal truth. They would SAY they love the Word, because they read it everyday, yet they see no need or urgency to passionately defend the truth that the Word of God contains. The problem with that is, if you truly love the scriptures, if you truly realize that they bear Christ's image upon them, you will also love the word of doctrine and the truth found in those very same scriptures.

Doctrinal truth bears the image of Christ; it's not something that's open to personal interpretation. It is Christ's truth and wisdom, and we must conform to it, not vice versa. ... Scripture is supposed to judge our hearts, and not the other way around. Yet, there are many Christians today who profess loudly their love to Christ, but who don't feel all that compelled to defend doctrinal truth. ... Doctrinal truth is minimized in such cases as "non-essential" to vital Christianity, and very often the reason that is given is "unity amongst the brethren". ... But the heart that burns with true love to Christ will burn with true love for accurate doctrine

... to the point where in defending doctrinal truths, Martin Luther was willing to put his very life on the line. ... Luther defended biblical truths ... with a bold, tenacious conviction that is representative of any man who passionately loves Jesus Christ.

You say you love Jesus, but do you love the Scriptures, which bear His image? Do you love the Word of doctrine in the Scriptures, because It shines forth Christ's truth? ...

Many professing Christians love certain parts of Scripture ... But for many same those professing Christians, when it comes to passages such as these - well they are not so excited about the Word of God.

If your hand causes you to sin, cut if off. (Mk. 9:43a)

[continues on with verses 44-48]

[Rev. 20:11-15]

[Rom. 9: 10-23]

... Since God's people love Christ, they also love His Word — ALL OF IT, because all of the Word of God bears His image. So, if you want to get some accurate sense of your genuineness of your love for Christ, ask yourself, how much do you love God's Word? Does it [the Word of God] dwells richly and deeply within my heart? ...

... two examples of the appointed means [to attain a true love for Jesus Christ]:

(a) Be diligent in hearing the Word preached and in reading your Bible. ...

(b) Be diligent and frequent in prayer to God, asking Him for this fiath and love ... realized that you deserve double damnation because you do not love One so great and glorious as Christ, yet, whiel still acknowledging that you nonetheless realize that you cannot manufacture this love in your own heart. You can more easily lift a mountain to heaven as lift up your hearts to Christ. ...

Christian, do you suffer from a lack of passion for Christ? Is it because you do not treasure God and His Word? Is the reason why you run from one spiritual retreat; from one 'high' to another, is because of the fact that you are trying to create your own pitiful counterfeit passion for our Lord, not asking in faith for what is ours in Christ? Is it because you do not take heed to His Word, and instead create an idol of what you want the Scriptures to say instead of what it really says? Oh Lord, have mercy upon us and grant us through Your grace the love and passion for You and for Your Word as stated in the Bible. Remove our anti-intellectualism and help us to stand forth on the doctrines in Your Word.


  1. heyyy just happened to read your personal statement of faith; given your belief in the literal 6 day interpretation of creation, would you probably also agree with the young earth stand?

    How does that work out with current geological data? I understand that there are examples of 'instantaneous fossilisation' and also inherent problems with the fossilation process as per traditional views on the topic that render fossil formation close to impossible, but instantneous fossiliation seems to be the exception rather than the norm.

  2. Eh Han Min,

    next time, try not to post a question as a comment on an unrelated topic. Regarding my statement of faith, yes, I believe in what is normally termed 'young earth creationism or YEC'. As to the curret geological data, it will be good if you can read the articles at where they could answer your questions much better than me. If you want my 2cents worth, from what I have read up, most of the fossilization happen during the Flood and the subsequent Ice Age.
